Age: 16
Hometown: Wiseman, Ark.
Parents: Doug Harber and Kim Harber
Siblings: Kylie Bell Harber and Suzanne Harber
FFA Chapter: Salem FFA
Advisor: Wayne Neal
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“My family has about 300 head of commercial cows and a 20,000-laying hen chicken house. I help around the farm, feeding and caring for the animals, working cows, fixing fence and whatever needs to be done. I really like our Hereford cattle because they are docile and good mommas. That’s what I’ve been raised on and I really like them a lot.”
What do you like about living on a farm?
“Just the work and involvement you have on a farm. Living on a farm, you develop a good work ethic.”
What do you like about being involved in FFA?
“The connections you make. I have met a lot of people in FFA who I think will benefit me later in life. This year, I’m the chapter vice president.”
What are your future plans?
“I plan on going to college, getting a degree and then go to work somewhere. After that, I want to come back home and run some cows of my own.”
Would you like to encourage other young people to become involved in agriculture?
“Young people should be involved in ag because the number of farmers is dwindling down, so we need to help out.”