Rylie Bignar of Prairie Grove, Arkansas is a member of the Prairie Grove FFA Chapter. She is the daughter of Denise and Darren Bignar. Submitted Photo.
Submitted Photo

Age: 15

Hometown: Prairie Grove, Ark. 

Parents: Denise and Darren Bignar

Siblings: Justin Terry, Joshua Terry, Makayla Terry and Makenzie Kidd

FFA Chapter: Prairie Grove FFA

FFA Advisor: Clint Hale and David Hayes

4-H Club: Goin’ Showin’ 4-H

Club Leader: Amy Horn

What is your involvement in agriculture? “I show goats and sheep at county, state and national levels. I participate in many public speaking contests such as FFA Creed and 4-H talks and demos. I also participate in livestock judging and am a lead worship singer at my church. I manage the care of my animals every day while working my show animals to get them ready for show season. I raise Boar goats with my family on our small farm – Roux Livestock — for showing and selling to other exhibitors across the state.”

What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/living on a farm? 

“My favorite part of being involved in agriculture is the livestock, especially when baby goats are born. It is such an exciting time. My involvement in agriculture has allowed me to meet people in the livestock industry that will be friends of mine forever.”

What are your future plans? 

“I am planning to attend the University of Arkansas to become an ag teacher. While in my first year of college, I also plan to run for an officer position at the state level of FFA.

What is the best advice about agriculture? 

“Never give up and to always work hard to achieve your goals. –  My dad (Darren Bignar)”

Awards: “I was awarded Star Greenhand from my FFA Chapter last school year (2021-2022). This is an award given to the top freshman. It was quite an honor as well as unexpected. Last county fair (2021), I was crowned Washington County Junior Fair Queen and was able to compete at the Arkansas State Fair pageant for our county. I am proud to have been a representative of our county fair from a position in the livestock arena as many contestants for this pageant do not participate in an agri-related are.”


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