Age: 15
Hometown: Pomona, Mo.
Parents: Michelle and Jamie Kurtz
Siblings: Kelby (11) and Aida (1)
4-H Club: Rockin Ranchers
Club Leader: Michelle Kurtz
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“I grew up on our family farm. Mainly feed hay for our cattle herd while Dad’s at work. We buy hay, store it and when it gets cold and the grass dies down, we put hay out for the cattle as a supplement to grazing. I help castrate and tag the calves when they are born. I started helping with that five or six years ago. I help work the cows and vaccinate them.”
What is your favorite part of living on a farm?
“I find the whole farming thing very peaceful. I’ve always just been drawn to it.”
What are your future plans?
“I want to professionally fish on tournament trails or be an AI tech and artificially inseminate animals.”
What is the best advice about agriculture you have received?
His father told him: “Keep your cool. If you’re panicked the animal will react the same.”
Awards: First place in showmanship for showing cattle in West Plains at Heart of the Ozarks Fair in 2016.
In 2019, first place for Best in Show in Doniphan at the Ripley County Fair.