Age: 13
Hometown: Mountain Grove, Mo.
Parents: Michael and Sara Prescott
Siblings: Emma and Carter
4-H Club: Mountain Grove School District 4-H
Club Leader: Ramona Andrus
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“We raise cows and love showing. My favorite cow is Charolais. I got my first Charolais when I was 1 and she was one. I raised her and now I have 12. We feed them, we wash them, we blow them, we show them.”
What is your favorite part of living on a farm?
“Getting to see new baby calves. We raise about 200 cows. I like how they run around; at about a week, they start jumping around. Some we bottle feed, twice a day. When they’re with their momma, they eat about twice a day.”
What are your future plans?
“I want to come home and help my dad raise cows and sheep. I want to be a vet, for big, farm animals.”
What is the best advice about agriculture you have received?
“My dad always says that even when stuff gets hard, you got to push through because all animals need to be fed.”
Awards: Belt buckle at Tri-County Fair for junior showmanship for her heifer last year and several blue ribbons this year in her breed classes.