Parent: Bryan Anderson
Hometown: Batesville, Ark.
FFA Chapter: Southside FFA
Advisor: Monica Swint
What is your favorite aspect of agriculture?
“Like many ag kids, my favorite part is showing. Last year, I showed a LimFlex bull and this year I’m showing a SimAngus heifer. One of the reasons showing is important is because it helps other kids understand all the hard work that goes into raising and training a show animal is worth it. I won fifth overall bull and grand champion more times than I can count with that bull.
Who is the most influential person in your life?
“Although my grandmother, Shirley Martin, has passed, she was and continues to be, through her memory, a wonderful role model. She was strong and independent but also totally dependable and never let me down. When my parents were divorcing, she was there to pick me up and help me deal with reality. Striving to be like her is the best memorial I can give.”
What is your current involvement in agriculture?
“During the school year, I get up at and feed all of my 32-head herd and my two horses, Red and Sunny. On weekends, I work with the animals I’m going to show. Whenever the herd is worked, I take whatever spot needs filling.”
What are some of your agricultural memories?
“When I was 5, I started bottle feeding my first calf every two hours. I was amazed at how much time it took and how much work it was, especially how eager and forceful the calf was.”
What are your future plans?
“I want to become an ag teacher because I love all aspects of agriculture, including welding and gardening – not just the animals. Teaching will allow me to still work in all those areas in addition to keeping an active role in our ranch.”