Age: 14
Hometown: Green Forest, Ark.
Parents: Carrol and Kelli Walker
Siblings: Sarah, Adam, Clint and Emily Walker
4-H Chapter: Farewell 4-H
Leader: Britni Rexwinkle
What is your involvement in agriculture? “My family raises beef cattle. We currently only have a few mommas and three Simmental bulls. I have three Boer does and a Boer buck I’m using to build my show goat herd. I also have one horse and three spoiled dogs. I have a flock of 40 chickens that started with the 4-H poultry chain I did in 2015 and 2016. I show goats at county and district fairs.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture and living on a farm? “Spending time with my animals, working and feeding them, getting them ready to show. I go to see the baby calves with my daddy and momma everyday.”
What are your future plans? “I plan to attend College of the Ozarks and major in ag business. I would like to be an ag teacher or be in any ag-related field.”
What is the best advice about agriculture you have received from adults? “A livestock judge at our county fair said to do your best and let God handle the rest, and not just in agriculture. It has helped me with everything in life. All we can do is our best, that’s when God steps in.”
What advice would you give to other young people who want to be involved in agriculture? “It takes a lot of hard work and time, but it all pays off in the end.”
Awards: “I won the junior goat showmanship at our county fair my first year showing. In school I’m in the Junior Data Club and participated in the University of Arkansas Talent Serach. In 4-H, I’ve been the treasurer, presidnt and pledge leader.”