When we notice a person is losing weight or getting healthier our first question tends to be “what’s your secret?” Everyone wants to hear that magic answer that will change their life, but the truth is the people who have lasting results with their healthier lifestyle make small little “insignificant” changes that add up over time and that fit well into their life.
With this in mind, it is important to learn as much as you can about exercise and nutrition and the mind-body connection. By identifying and understanding myths and misconceptions about weight loss, you can make the right decisions for yourself. You can choose exercises that you actually enjoy doing. You can eat the foods that you love in the right amounts and at the right times.
Myth 1: Being healthy
is all about restriction.
A step to a healthy lifestyle is to add new healthy habits instead of focusing on restricting. For example; add an extra serving of fruits and vegetables into your day, add another glass of water, or add just a few minutes of exercise. Overhauling your habits and cutting out everything that isn’t perfectly healthy is going to be about as successful as a sedentary person getting off the couch and immediately running a marathon. Take it slow and steady and you will eventually be ready to reach your big goals.
Small changes that can make a big difference are:
• Choosing whole grain (100 percent) breads and pastas over white
• Choosing water over soda or juice, or at least drink a glass of water first
• Bringing your lunch instead of going out to eat
• Surrounding yourself with healthy foods like fruits and vegetables
• Bringing your exercise clothes with you to work or when you run an errand so you are always prepared.
Myth 2: Healthy foods
don’t taste good.
Another tip to help you get healthy now is to make healthy eating enjoyable. Some people think of healthy foods as boring and tasteless, but the truth is we have adapted to an excess of salt, and other preservatives. This has caused us to lose our taste for natural foods. Try preparing your healthy foods in different ways and use different spices to create a new spin on an old favorite.
Myth 3: You have
to spend hours at the gym
to make a difference.
To start an exercise routine, simply start by moving more. Use all the standard tips of parking farther away, taking the stairs, playing music while cleaning the house to get you moving, walking the dog or just playing with your children outside. Nobody is ever too old to play hide ‘n seek. It doesn’t have to be an hour long session at the gym to count as a workout, just get your body moving and you will want to do more.
Myth 4: There is a
secret to weight loss.
The “secret” is finding your own path to health. Every person is different; what works for some isn’t necessarily going to bring success to someone else. Be realistic with yourself. Write down your goals and figure out a way you can achieve your goals and still enjoy events, holidays, parties, vacations and anything else that sounds challenging to those trying to be healthier.
Stephanie James is the wellness coordinator for Ozarks Medical Center in West Plains, Mo.