Jade Emitt of Huntsville, Arkansas is a member of the Ridgerunners 4-H Club. She is the daughter of Kenny and Rebecca Emitt. Contributed Photo.
Contributed Photo

Hometown: Huntsville Ar.

County: Madison

Parents: Kenny and Rebecca Emitt

Siblings: Ryan, Kinley and Braden

4-H Club: Ridgerunners 4-H

What is your involvement in agriculture?

My family has a broiler and beef production operation in Madison County. I show several different species of livestock including beef and sheep. I also participate on several different judging teams through 4-H.

What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?

I enjoy being able to care for and raise my own food on our family farm. I like to show my sheep and cattle at our county fair and participate in the livestock premium auction. I have multiple awards for the different judging teams I am on thru 4-H and also several awards from showing my livestock. 

What are your future plans?

I plan to attend the University of Arkansas and become a county extension agent. 


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