Hometown: Huntsville, Ar.
County: Madison
Parents: Ed and Janeal Yancey
Siblings: Wyn Yancey
4-H Club: Madison County 4-H
Club Leader: Caramie Edwards
What is your involvement in agriculture?
I have a flock of 60. Head of Hampshire influenced sheep. We sell them as club lambs to other 4H’ers and FFA kids for them to show. I judge livestock, meats and participate in livestock skills. I also show lambs, goats and cattle all the way to a national level. We also have 20 head of Simmental influenced commercial cattle.
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?
I love to teach my community around me about the agriculture industry and that your food doesn’t come from the grocery store.
What are you future plans?
I plan to attend college and judge meats or livestock, then graduate with a bachelors in animal science, continuing with a masters in animal nutrition, then getting my PhD in reproductive physiology. I want to have my own AI company for sheep and goats.
Awards: High Individual in meats judging for 4H and FFA, High Individual senior livestock skill-a-thon, Champion senior showman at Chisholm Trail National.