Location: Miami, Okla.
History: Mike and Angie Schulte, along with their daughter, Lindsey Hullman, purchased the former business, Horse Creek Tack, nearly two decades ago.
Mike Schulte is a former machinist, who grew up on a farm in Miami, Oklahoma. He and his brother helped their father with the family farm, which produced crops and ran cattle, during their growing up years.
Mike Schulte encountered a tragic accident when he was 16 years of age, which left him paralyzed from the waist down. His take on this life-altering season, as well as his successful life since, is: “Do not give up, just keep going, no matter what happens.” He went on to share that the accident in his early years has not stopped him from doing anything he desired to do in life.
Products and Services: Rocking ‘S’ Tack offers a wide array of several services and merchandise, including: horse tack, saddles, bridles, breast collars, and anything needed for horses. In addition, Mike and his brother, who assists with the family business, repair nearly any animal equipment and personal attire, including boot and shoe repair, saddle repair, and even zippers on jackets and heavy-duty farming attire. The store is known for its hand-crafted personalized belts, made of solid leather and guaranteed to last for years. Rocking ‘S’ Tack also sell embroidered hats, one of their most popular and highly sought items.
The Schulte family owns a laser machine, a fairly reasonable addition, which is located in the back of the shop. The family enjoys creating personalized leather and wood products for their faithful repeat customers, as well as their welcome first-time customers that often become repeat customers after the first visit.
Future Plans: As far as future plans, Mike indicated that his wife and daughter, Angie and Lindsey, are interested in making and selling purses. They desire to expand the business to include leather purses with personalized, one-of-a-kind creations. Lindsay Hullman, the Schulte’s daughter, possesses the creative brains behind the curtain of this family-run business. Mike carries out the plans, doing 70% of the embroidery and tacking, while Angie, Mike’s wife, handles the books and behind-the-scenes financial operation of their family-owned and operated farm tacking company in Miami, Oklahoma.
The storefront is located in front of the Schulte’s home and Mike’s brother lives a mere 100 yards down the road. The business, and both Schulte brothers’ homes, are located on the grounds of the same family farm which they grew up running with their father.
You can find more about Rocking S Tack on their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057436630181.