Hometown: Mountain Home, Ark.
Parents: James and Julie Tilley
Siblings: Bradley Tilley
FFA Chapter: Mountain Home
FFA Advisor: Jacquire Albright
4-H Club: Baxter County 4-H
Advisor: Karissa Duggins and Amanda Rychtarik
What is your Involvement in Agriculture: “I am a part of Mountain Home Ark. FFA and Baxter County 4-H. Through those I showed Rhode Island Red chickens and a Charolais influenced steer named Ranger. I do not live on a farm but have built a coop in our yard for our ‘city eggs.’ I have had the opportunity to keep my steer at the school barn. We could call ourselves hobby-farmers as we have now taken on show rabbits as well. I became involved in FFA last year in 7th grade. During that Intro to Ag class, I learned about all the opportunities the show team had. My love for the program has grown quickly.
“With my passion for 4-H and FFA, my little brother, Bradley, has taken a strong interest in showing as well and has a heifer named Copper. I love that my parents, my brother and I are all part of the excitement, care and love that goes into the farm life.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture: “My favorite part of the farm life is learning new things. I have enjoyed learning about my projects, my friend’s projects and things I see at other shows and fairs. Such as the difference in feeds and what each is used for.”
What are your future plans: “My future plans are unsure at this time, but for the short term plans I am in the process of locating and purchasing a new show steer for the 2025 season. Getting our coop ready for the next group of chicks that will come to me at one day old. Research and try to get set up to compete in the broiler project and shows next year. I also have just purchased a breeding pair of rabbits to start raising and showing meat rabbits.”
Awards: “I have been awarded the Discovery Degree through FFA and top seller in fundraising activities. In competition with my animals, I have won Grand Champion Poultry Chain at the Northwest Arkansas District Fair. At the Arkansas State Fair, I won Grand Champion Commercial Poultry Showmanship, Grand Champion Poultry Chain and 2nd in class with my steer Ranger in the slick shear steer class.”