Hometown: Galena, Mo.
Age: 17
Parents: Riley and Laurie Martin
Sibling: Cole Martin
FFA Chapter: Galena FFA
Chapter Advisor: Anna Barnett
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“I am a fourth-generation farmer on my family’s small operation. We run 50 head of beef cattle. My role on the farm includes feeding, vaccinations, tagging and taking them to market when needed. I also own a horse and participate in rodeos.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/living on a farm?
“My favorite part is going out to feed and seeing a new baby. I love seeing our herd grow.”
What are your future plans? Do they involve agriculture in some way?
“After high school, I plan to find employment as a veterinary technician for large animals. I also plan to continue to rodeo for fun.”
Awards: FFA Courtesy Corps Award (2023), Area Leadership Development Experience Award (2023), Star Chapter Farmer (2022-2023), Career Development (2022, 2023), Chapter Vice President (2023-2024), Proficiency – Environmental Science (2023) and FFA Greenhand Degree (2022).