Age: 15
Hometown: Harrison, Ark.
Parents: Lyndsy and Tamsyn Simon
Sibling: Younger sister Liberty
FFA Chapter: Valley Springs FFA
Chapter Advisors: Chester Taylor and Logan Henson
What is your involvement in agriculture? “I am homeschooled, but attend Valley Springs High School for ag classes. I am active in the FFA and recently joined the trap team. This year I attended the National FFA Convention, competed in LDE and CDE events, and look forward to attending the State FFA Convention. I show pigs that I keep at my Nana and Papa’s house, where they have a pig barn. I visit their place every day to take care of my pigs. I was previously in 4-H and showed rabbits. Last fall, I was crowned Arkansas Miss Agriculture with the Miss United States Agriculture organization and have been traveling the state ‘agvocating’ (learning and teaching about agriculture). I look forward to competing at the national pageant this summer. My platform, Rooted Communities, aims to educate and encourage kids to grow their own food. Part of my travels involve a presentation where I show kids why and how they can grow their own food, and they plant a fruit or vegetable to take home. I hope this inspires future agvocates”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/living on a farm? “I have three passions in ag: welding, livestock and firearms. I grew up around livestock and have always loved horses. I’ve also enjoyed firearm sportsmanship, having been part of Blue Ridge Sharp Shooters 4-H in Virginia and Boone County Sharp Shooters 4-H in Arkansas, and now Valley Springs Trap Team. Most recently, I discovered a passion for welding during my Survey of Agriculture class and dove into that.”
What are your future plans? “My future plans are rooted in agriculture. After graduating, I plan to obtain an associate of science degree before attending welding school and becoming a pipeliner. Ultimately, I want to own a stud ranch where I can develop a new horse breed.”