Hometown: Marshfield, Mo.
Parents: Pamela Fallesen and Jake Caperson
Siblings: Sean and Quintin Caperson
4H-Club: Udders, Hooves, Feathers and Fur
Club Leader: RaMona Andrus
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“My involvement with 4-H and agriculture is that I show multiple breeds of dairy cattle such as Ayrshire, Milking Shorthorn, Red and White, and Holsteins. I have several of my own cattle of different breeds. I feed my and my mom’s cattle I also work with my show cattle trying to halter break my cattle.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/living on a farm?
“My favorite part about being on a farm is getting to spend time with my animals and just getting to work with these amazing cattle that I have spent my whole life with milking them and showing them.”
What are your future plans? Do they involve agriculture in some way?
“My future plans are to go to veterinary school to become a vet and get more cattle. One day, hopefully, I want to go to dairy nationals to show in the colored shavings I plan to stay in the agricultural industry until I’m gone.”
Awards: “I have won many awards such as showmanship, herdsmen, grand champions and reserves, and have even place honorable mention in the Hoard’s Dairy contest. My favorite and most memorable overall accomplishments is winning herdsmen at the Tri-County Fair with my brother Quintin and winning showmanship with my mom’s cow Sapphire.