Age: 16
Hometown: White Hall, Ark.
Parents: Thomas and Carla Castillo
Sibling: Emily Castillo
FFA Chapter: White Hall FFA
Advisors: Colter Donnelly and Ashley Benson
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“Some of my involvement in agriculture includes being a member of the White Hill FFA Chapter for three years and a member of the show team for two. I have raised and shown lambs, a black-face named Roerae and a natural named Wallen. While my family does not live on a farm, it is my responsibility to go to the barn every day and care for my animals. I am in the barn multiple times a day feeding, vetting, working and bonding with my animals.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?
“My favorite part of being involved in agriculture is raising and showing livestock. I love getting in the ring and showing of the skills my animals have learned and achieved. I also enjoy learning about how to self-sufficient on my own land through my agriculture classes and community.”
What are your future plans? Do they include agriculture in some way?
“My future plans are to become a Real Estate agent with an agriculture background to better help farmers invest in good land for livestock of crops.”
Awards: Several livestock show awards; FFA Greenhand Award; OSHA certification; and other local FFA awards.