Age: 14
Hometown: Conway, Mo.
Parent: Becky Doehring
Siblings: Hailey and Ady Doehring
4-H Club: Beef Kids 4-H
Club Leader: Becky Doehring
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“My involvement in agriculture consist of being an active member and officer of our 4-H club, The Beef Kids. I also raise my own cattle on our family farm in Conway, Mo. My herd consists of registered Brahmousin and crossbred cattle. I show registered Brahmousins throughout the summer and this year plan to add in my first homegrown crossbred heifer. My day-to-day responsibilities consist of watering, feeding and working my show calves and feeding hay as needed.”
What is your favorite part of living on a farm?
“My favorite part of living on a farm is caring for the animals and spring time when all the new babies are born. Being able to grow our own meat is pretty cool, too.”
What are your future plans? Do they involve agriculture in some way?
“In some ways, I believe agriculture will always be apart of my future. I plan to go on to college and be a pediatric nurse but always continue to grow my beef herd and raise my own vegetables.”
Awards: “I have won, Silver and Gold ratings in 4-H for my Beef and Swine Projects. I have been a club officer every year I have been in 4-H since 2018. I have won many grand and reserve champion awards with my registered cattle all over, including in Missouri and Tennessee.”