Age: 17
Hometown: Carthage, Mo.
Parents: Tom and Stephanie Howard
Siblings: Tyler Howard (19)
FFA Chapter: Carthage FFA
Advisors: Brandon Duff, Tom Howard, Justin Mauss and Cindi Prothro.
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“I got my first horse when I was 3 years old and have been hooked ever since. I’ve learned a lot about myself through the horses. They teach you so much. Making a bond with a 1,000-pound animal is something you can’t recreate. Knowing that they are going to keep me safe no matter what, and knowing I can trust them is something that can only happen with certain animals.”
Kassidy grew up on a farm and is now a senior at Carthage High School where she serves as her chapter FFA vice president. She is very active with her SAE project, her Quarter horses and has shown at the county fair along with competing in rodeos with the Missouri Junior Rodeo Circuit, the National Little Britches, and the International Finals Youth Rodeo. In 2020 at the National Little Britches, she placed 13th in the world for pole bending. Last year at the Missouri Junior Rodeo Circuit she placed reserve champion in all around, barrels, and goat tying and was champion pole bender. She said her SAE has helped her use what information she has learned in the classroom and apply it to real life.
Favorite part of being involved in FFA/living on a farm?
“Going to National Convention, it’s just fun getting to meet people from all over the United States. It’s an experience I wouldn’t have had otherwise. There are always people that think since they don’t live on a farm, they can’t be in ag, but that’s not true. Ag gives you so many different life experiences and lifelong references you can come back to. Get involved and get involved early. It will help you tremendously and you won’t regret it.”
Kassidy hopes to attend Northeast Oklahoma A&M next fall to become a vet tech and be part of the rodeo team.