Age: 11
Hometown: Gentry, Ark.
Parent: Laura Evans
Sibling: Emma Evans
4-H Club: Benton County 4-H
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“I have lived on a farm for my entire life and I love the farm life. I’ve been active in the Logan 4-H Club since I was 5 years old. Currently, I do livestock judging through Benton County 4-H, including meat judging, skill-a-thon, and quiz bowl. I also am participating in the Benton County Pasture to Plate program for the second year.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/living on a farm?
“My favorite part is raising animals. My livestock and pets are a big part of my life. I also really enjoy the people around me who are always willing to help me learn and do better. Being actively involved in a club and part of the agriculture community in Northwest Arkansas, I really feel like I have a community of support that gives me confidence to try new things.”
What are your future plans?
“My future plans are to go to college for animal science and participate on a college judging team. Since judging and livestock have always been a big part of my life, I can’t imagine doing anything different.”
What is the best advice about agriculture you have received from adults?
“Jacie Smith has helped me a lot. She has taught me how to format my questions for livestock judging and she has coached me through showing cattle. She has really been a big part of my 4-H experience.”
Awards: “This year, I have done really well showing cattle. It seems like every time we go in the ring, we’re getting banners, cups, money, and other stuff – like feed buckets.”