Hometown: Welch, Okla.
Family: Husband, Justin Parker
In Town: Brittany Coffee Parker is the owner of BC Parker Co., which specializes in western weddings and country lifestyle photography.
“I had my first photoshoot in December 2009; I was a sophomore in high school,” Brittany said. “This is all I have ever done. I just photographed my 150th wedding in December.”
Brittany has shot sessions in 14 states and Mexico. She has been contracted to shoot professional rough stock rodeo events and to work with the Miss Rodeo America Pageant. Brittany published a coffee table book in 2017 featuring 14 short stories and photos of farming and ranching families in the four-state areas. She also offers prints, specialized photo cards, stationery and stickers.
In the Country: Brittany got her first set of show pigs in the ninth grade. She also worked at her dad and stepmom’s feed store in Gravette, Ark., on weekend and in the summer.
“I paid for my feed by working at the feed store,” she said. “I knew being involved in ag is what I wanted to do. I missed volleyball practice for an FFA leadership event. The coach asked me what we did, and I told him we listened to speakers and networked. He said, ‘You missed practice for that?’ I told him ag would take me places in life that volleyball never would. Even then I knew ag was my passion and I wanted it to be a part of my life.”
Brittany and her husband Justin have a small cow/calf operation, which they operate with a neighbor.
“She’s coming to the end of her career, and we’re just starting ours and trying to grow our herd, so it’s been great to help each other and collaborate on a few things,” Brittany explained. “It’s been a huge blessing for us and without her, there would be things we couldn’t do.”
Brittany and Justin finish hogs twice a year, as well as a couple of steers, and process a couple of animals for ground beef for family and friends.
“I take a lot of pride in being able to feed our friends and family,” Brittany said. “The last few years, I have gardened as well, so being able to share that produce with friends and family is very special and not something everyone can do. It’s a lot of work, but it’s something that I’m very passionate about.”
Future Plans: “My ultimate dream would be to have a storefront, like an old fashioned mercantile where we can sell our beef and pork, as well as canned goods, local eggs, and have local bakers bring in items,” Brittany said. “I want it all to be affordable. The county we live in has a high poverty level, so lots of people need access to EBT and food stamps. My dream is to have a store that will accept those programs so everyone has the option of home-grown food.”