Hometown: Gentry, Ark.
Parents: Kaleb and Chrisie Smith
Sibling: Paden Smith
4-H Club: Logan 4-H
Club leaders: Jackie Griffin and Anna Myers
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“I’ve been showing cattle for one or two years. “My brother shows more but I’m learning.”
Paxton lives on a 1,200-head Brangus cattle ranch. While his days are mostly filled with schoolwork and good old-fashioned boy fun like hunting frogs, he helps with a few chores around the farm too. He’s a Cloverbud 4-Her.
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/living on a farm?
Paxton said tractors and his dad’s new semi for hauling cattle. He’s drawn to the mechanical side of the farm operations. Even at seven years old, his knowledge and attention to details regarding these machines is impressive.
“I’m saving up to buy my own tractor – a John Deere.”
What are your future plans?
“I’m going to work on the farm. Raising steers is what we do.”
What is the best advice about agriculture you have received from adults? Who gave you that advice?
“You have to work hard to keep the cows alive. Sometimes it’s hot when we’re raking hay and this summer we had a big drought and it was really hot.”
Paxton credits his parents for helping him learn how to take on difficult chores around the farm.
Awards: Grand Champion Brangus Heifer at the Benton County Fair