Hometown: Cecil, Ark.
Age: 13
Parents: Shawn and April Fortenberry
4-H Clubs: Rancho Round-up, Franklin County Vet Science and +Teen Leaders
FFA Chapter: County Line FFA
How are you involved on your farm?
“We raise and show lambs, and ride horses for pleasure. I help with feeding our lambs and horses.”
How long have you been showing?
“I have shown market lambs for three years, my first year, I showed a market wether. The first year we showed lambs, we bought them, but then the we decided to start raising our own.”
What are your future plans: “I want to go to the University of Michigan to become a veterinarian.. I will be working toward showing scholarships. Showing helps me by developing skills of what it takes to care for the animal and tricks of figuring out how to get it to show with my best ability.”
What is your favorite thing about raising animals?
“Seeing the animals every day and caring for them.”
What’s the most difficult thing you’ve ever done regarding agriculture?
“Selling my goat, Chuck Brown, at the end of show season knowing they were going to eat him.”
How has being involved in agriculture helped you grow?
“Learning what is takes to keep the animals healthy and growing right while getting them ready for show. Making new friends at shows.”