Owners: Ryan and Melissa Mitchell
Location: Urbana, Mo.
History: After battling issues with his fencing system, Ryan Mitchell began researching other options. That’s when he found Timeless Fence System.
“I was frustrated with cracked insulators on my hot wire, insulators being knocked off by deer and I was looking for a better solution, and this is what I found,” Ryan said.
Ryan launched Double B Farm & Supply in December 2021 and is an authorized reseller of Timeless Fence System.
Products: Ryan explained Timeless Fence System is made from recycled PVC, such as vinyl windows and doors, making the posts virtually indestructible. The posts also serve as the fence insulators.
“It removes anything conductive out of your fence system, so there is no grounding out,” Ryan said. “The posts do not conduct electricity.”
He went on to say the Timeless Fence System can be used for new construction or be added to an existing fencing structure.
“I’ve been going into my fence and replacing a little at a time,” Ryan said.
The Timeless Fence System offers t-posts, h-posts, stabilizers, end braces and corners, as well as gates. The posts, braces and corners are predrilled, so producers can easily run wire.
Ryan added that the system will not rust or rot.
Double B Farm & Supply sells the system, but it does not do installation.
Ryan added they also offer other electric fencing supplies, such as chargers, stringers and other items.
Future Plans: As the market for Timeless Fence System and his other products grows, Ryan hopes to one day move to Double B Farm & Supply full time.
“I would also like to expand a little and get to where I’m doing more of this,” he said.