Hannah Fehring of Neosho Missouri. Photo by Rachel Harper.
Photo by Rachel Harper

Age: 16

Hometown: Neosho, Mo.

Parents: David and Julia Fehring 

Siblings: Austin Fehring and Alec Fehring

FFA Chapter: Neosho FFA

Chapter Advisors: Kelin Kruse, Austin Steele and Jennifer Thogmartin

What is your involvement in agriculture? 

“I grew up on a registered Holstein and Brown Swiss dairy farm in the little town of Rocky Comfort, Mo. We later moved to Neosho where my family started a beef operation with dairy crosses, Angus and Polled Herefords. I assist with feeding, breeding, and working cattle with my family.” 

Hannah’s SAE includes the beef operation, as well as poultry and swine. 

“I raise laying hens and broilers and sell eggs and broiler carcasses once they have been processed.”

She has recently started raising a crossbred gilt that she plans on showing at the local and state fairs this summer and would like to breed this fall. 

What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?

“Getting to experience new things and learning new things about the growing industry.”

What are your future plans?

“To attend Crowder College using the A-Plus program, then I will transfer to a university to finish my degree. I plan to pursue a degree in pediatric nursing or agricultural education. Regardless of which career path I choose, I always want to be involved in agriculture by having a small farm consisting of cattle, pigs, and chickens.” 

What is the best advice about agriculture you have received?

Hannah said the best advice she received from a friend and advisor was to “keep learning.” Advocate for what you are passionate about. You are a great leader and hard worker, and you will make a difference in the agriculture industry.” 

What advice would you give to other young people who want to be involved in agriculture?

“You don’t have to be a farmer to make a difference in agriculture. You do not need to be directly connected to the agricultural industry to help fulfill the industries goals. Education is vital. We must stay abreast on current topics and issues that face our industry every day. Listen to advice from others who have gone before you. They have experiences and wisdom that you won’t glean from a textbook. Finally, if you work hard for agriculture, agriculture will work hard for you. You will reap the benefits in due time; you must be patient.”


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