• Age: 11
• Hometown: Fayetteville, Ark.
• Parents: Nathan and Jody Harris
• Siblings: Natalie, Mallory, Michael
• 4-H Club: Washington County Goin’ Showin’ 4-H Club
• Club Leader: Amy Horn
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“Currently, I have a poultry project and vegetable garden for 4-H. I have raised 12 Plymouth Rock laying hens and six Bova laying hens. I was able to take four pens of chickens to show at the Washington County Fair. I received red and blue ribbons for my hens and for the vegetables shown in the horticulture building. I received a special 4-H Parents Award for the green bell peppers I entered this year. I help my parents with several aspects of our farm. I have been operating heavy equipment and tractors since I was 6 years old. I like to help my dad in the shop and help my mom in her garden. I’m responsible for my hens. Our 4-H club has started meeting in person again so I am looking forward to more opportunities this year.”
What is your favorite part of being living on a farm?
“I enjoy driving tractors and heavy equipment. I really enjoy mechanics. I like fixing things and making sure they run properly. I like taking old engines and getting them running again. I have also enjoyed learning to use the welder. My next 4-H project will be a mechanics project. Maybe an old 4-wheeler to fix up or something like that.”
What are your future plans? Do they involve agriculture in some way?
“I would like to continue in 4-H and one day in FFA. I would like to raise some other breeds of chickens and possibly expand my project to include rabbits. I enjoy mechanics but my passion is driving my microsprint race car. I think I would like to be a professional race car driver and a professional mechanic.”
What is the best advice about agriculture you have received?
“You need to take really good care of your animals. My parents remind me of that all the time.”1