• Age: 17
• Parents: Sherry Kinney and the late Floyd Kinney
• Hometown: Miami, Okla.
• FFA Chapter: Miami FFA
Involvement in Agriculture: Hanna Kinney grew up trying her hand at a variety of ag opportunities, thanks to her dad, Floyd. He would take Hanna to the fair each year to look at animals saying “Hanna you’re going to be in FFA.”
Her interest grew from animals to vegetable production, following his death. During the summer between her freshman and sophomore year, Hanna put together her dad’s garden, revamping it. The garden eventually grew to a 300-square-foot plot with two additional raised beds. The project included selling and giving away produce and selling starter plants at the Ottawa County Farmers Market.
Her SAE for the 2020-21 school year, Hanna earned the first runner-up proficiency award for vegetable production entrepreneurship at the Oklahoma State FFA Convention. Using the $400 prize money from her proficiency award, Hanna decided to explore the world of rare plants.
“I’ve always been interested but never had the funds,” Hanna said with a laugh.
She purchased what she jokingly calls “the holy grail” a Monstera Deliciosa Albo — rare because of the variegated green and white coloring. She also purchased a Syngonium Albo, a arrowhead vine type of plant with a white spotted variegation. Hanna hopes to earn her State FFA Degree. “I’ve grown as a leader [through FFA],” Hanna said. “Ag encouraged me to try new things.”
Hanna sells some of her plants online using eBay and Etsy, and often travels to plant markets within a three-hour radius of Miami.
Future Goals: Hanna hopes to pursue a MBA at Tulane in New Orleans. She would like to start out working for an operation such as the Miami, Florida-based Costa Farms, one of the largest horticultural growers in the world. Owning and running her own greenhouse may also be in her future.