Parents: Michelle Bartlett and the late Mitchell Bartlett
Age: 17
FFA chapter: Pottsville FFA
Advisor: Casey Beavers
What is your favorite aspect of agriculture?
“The livestock side. I’ve been raised on our small family farm, Meadowbrook Farm and around cattle and horses all my life. My loving the livestock side of agriculture the best is probably no surprise.”
Who is the most influential person in your life?
“My mother is definitely the most influential. She sets examples for me every day and in every way. She guides and helps me prepare the cattle for show and market, and horses for rodeo competition. She educates me on the use of proper nutrition and care of the land and animals so both stay in prime shape. She also teaches me about life and learning to dance in the rain. She is a single mom doing a great job.”
What is your current involvement in agriculture?
“Last year I was the secretary for my FFA chapter. I am president of the Pope County 4-H Livestock Club, Pope County 4-H Officer at Large, a member of the National Cattleman’s Association, and Arkansas State Fair Rodeo Queen 2020. Care and management of my horses and cattle are the priority when I get home from school or work, as well as anything that needs to be done on the farm. I work at Dale Burgess Quarter Horses exercising, breaking and training the young horses to prepare in preparation for barrel racing.”
What are some of your agricultural memories?
When I was 5, I went to pick up my first heifer and orphan named Beauty. She was a real fireball and trampled me when I was loading her in the trailer. However, she went on to become the Pope County Fair Grand Champion Heifer so her high spirits paid off. She what sparked my interest in showing and raising cattle. Not that long ago, Cowboy, one of the colts I am working with, got his front feet caught in a corral panel. I tried calming him down as he kicked me in the head through the panel. I got him out safely, while I came out with a gash on the side of my face and a black eye. We were both fine now and developed a little trust in each other.”
Awards: “Probably the most important award is the 2020 Arkansas State Fair Rodeo Queen, a unique opportunity to excite youth across the state about the variety of opportunities in agriculture. Also, I was awarded a four-year scholarship. I have won many county fair reserve grand and grand champion commercial heifer classes, and in 2018, Marshall, the only steer I ever showed, won reserve champion steer first time out and was grand champion steer at the Pope County Fair in 2019. Additionally, I have won many high-point awards in horse shows, rodeoing including barrel racing, as well as showing cattle Cattle showing, and being a rodeo queen with prizes including money, buckles, saddles, grooming equipment, tack and most of all friendships.”