Age: 17
Parents: Brooks and Diana Evants
Hometown: Russellville, Ark.
FFA chapter: Pottsville FFA
Advisor: Casey Beavers
4-H Club: 4-H Krazy Kritters
Leader: Ashlyn Rocole
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“Last year, I was vice president of my FFA chapter and this year I am president of the 4-H club. I also live on a fifth-generation farm and love working outdoors, especially with the animals. My grandparents raised chickens and turkeys for Tyson and we raise cattle. My chores include checking and fixing fences, as needed, as well as feeding the cattle when I come after school. We have a few Longhorns that occasionally get their heads stuck in gates, and I’ve become pretty good at getting them out safely. This year, I have two heifers for showing, a Maine Anjou for breed or weight category competitions and an Angus that represents what a working cow should look like. I keep a daily log on both animals as part of my 4-H project.”
Who is the most influential person in your life?
“My grandma Billie is my role model. She does most of the planning for the farm. When they raised poultry, she was always the one who talked to the bankers and straw bossed the operation. She’s on top of everything and I want to be like her.”
What are your future plans?
“I started fixing equipment when I was 8 and discovered I liked it and seemed to be pretty good at it. I also took a vocational auto mechanics class last year. Through those experiences I decided I would like to be a diesel mechanic, but I also want to raise cattle on the family ranch because I like livestock production and appreciate the quiet, open spaces.”
What is the most important thing you have learned about agriculture?
“What has really come home to me is that agriculture is probably the most needed industry in the world because without it there would be no reliable food supply for anyone.”
What is the biggest challenge in the cattle industry?
“Prices vary quickly and often, so predicting when to sell at a good price is difficult. We try to watch the prices and look for stability by watching when the prices remain at an acceptable level for a week.”