Family: Husband Aaron, and children Collin (8) and Scarlet (3).
Hometown: Farmington, Ark.
In Town: “After I graduated from the University of Arkansas with a degree in biology, I worked at Tyson for two years as a microbiologist. Then I decided to become a teacher so I could spend more time with our son Collin. We could have a family and I could be at home more. I subsequently earned a master’s at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro and have taught advanced placement science at Farmington High School for seven years. I am also on the board of Trout Unlimited Chapter 514 in Northwest Arkansas. The Coronavirus led to me being the only teacher in the state permitted to grow trout from eggs to maturity from our home for classroom projects. I am also an ARTeacher fellow at the University of Arkansas as part of the effort to integrate art into non-art classrooms. My husband Aaron worked as a program manager for different construction companies before starting his own company, White River Contractors, four years ago in Fayetteville. He is also a member of the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce and active in Trout Unlimited as well.”
In the Country: “Our hobby farm, Dinky Creek Farm, is located on 2 acres in the middle of my grandparents’ farm in Farmington. At this point, the farm is all about our children and the environment we want them raised in. Collin shows dairy calves we get from Wisconsin every year. We trade them back for a new set of calves after typically attending six shows a year. We all were especially fond of Rosie, an Ayrshire calf, who is now on another farm and pregnant. Collin daily feeds and brushes the calves, as well as training with them to lead. One huge benefit of showing is Collin enjoying talking to people about the calves and the things the calves like and do. We also raise goats, one meat goat and a handful of dairy goats, with the intention of one day showing them as well. Collin helps with everything. The goats are fed oats and sunflower seeds along with sweet feed when being milked and especially appreciate licorice flavored treats and watermelon. Finally, Collin has his own business and savings account with money coming from selling eggs from our 20 dual purpose chickens. We have Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Barred Rocks and Wheatons. The eggs, delivered twice a week, are sold to friends, neighbors and relatives with us occasionally using the flock for meat for ourselves. A big advantage with Aaron being a contractor is his ability to build and maintain the structures and fencing necessary for keeping our animals safe.”
Future: “Of course, we would like to expand someday with an additional 50 for starters. While we want to raise cattle, we are unsure whether we would prefer dairy or beef. Showing at the Arkansas State Fair introduced us to mini cattle. They are very popular, especially with hobby farmers who sometimes raise them for meat because of limited land and a better profit per pound though they often want them as pets. We are considering many breeds such as Herefords, Highlanders, Pandas and Jerseys.”