Family: Wife Carrie (also pictured), and children Camden, Carson, Abi, Robert and Sara
Hometown: Fayetteville, Ark.
In Town: “I am an industrial millwright foreman for Multi-Craft in Springdale, Ark., a broad-spectrum construction, fabrication and industrial equipment installation company. I have worked as a millwright foreman for many years and began with this company four years ago. I help by installing equipment for businesses making anything from baby wipes to beverages and manage a crew of two to 10 depending on the size of the job. I travel frequently. I appreciate meeting a lot of different people and companies with no two days ever being the same. My wife Carrie is in accounts receivable for Tyson and has worked there for 15 years because she appreciates the chance to work with numbers.”
In the Country: “We have 15 acres and now raise only sheep. When we began 10 years ago, our oldest children were in FFA and preferred goats while Abi, who was only 5 at the time, preferred sheep. The solution was to raise both. Our current sheep herd is 10 crossbred ewes bred by a crossbred ram we raised after outsource breeding his mother. We continue outsource breeding some of the ewes and are just starting with AI. We had tried with goats, but are doing much better with sheep. While Abi shows some of our sheep, we also sell others as show lambs for 4-H and FFA members. In order for the lambs to match the showing season, I breed from September through November with the lambs being born in March. We follow a solid health protocol and am still learning. The most important thing I have learned is improving the genetics through AI and outsourcing not only improved the quality of the sheep but also diversified the bloodlines. Lambs typically stay with their mothers unless something unusual happens. They are fed creep feed when ready. The ewes, however, receive a custom mix I designed with the help of Curran Feed Store. We just finished showing at the Washington County Fair where Abi won Grand Champion Commercial Ewe and Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb. Abi’s goal is to win Grand Champion Market Lamb before she graduates from high school.”
Future: “Holson Farm is all about our children. Raising animals has provided a good environment and good experiences for our children. When the little ones get older, they will decide whether or not they want to show; and if they do, we will raise what species they’re interested in. Should they not be interested, we will still continue to provide show animals to area youngsters.”