Age: 12
Parents: Sean and Stephanie Brister
Hometown: Alma, Ark.
4-H Chapter: Crawford County 4-H Trap and Archery Club
Club leaders: Sean Brister, Stephanie Brister and Stevie King
What is your current involvement in 4-H?
“I am a member of the shooting club where we lineup like track teams and shoot at targets. I am also the photographer and took pictures of people shooting and the equipment but the coronavirus put a halt to that for now.
“I also enjoy showing. Showing itself is pretty easy and doesn’t take too long, but getting ready to show involves training them and then preparing them for when we go into the ring. I like winning things but also making new friends, though I have to wait until the next year at the fair where we find each other and pick up where we took off. Right now, I’m showing at jackpots to prepare for the county and state fairs so I walk my pigs every day. I also mix the feed, which is pretty easy now but gets harder as show time gets closer. While some people use eggs, we add cake mix to the feed to get them to eat all of it.”
Who is the most influential person in your life?
“I guess that would be my Uncle Jeremy because he’s a dentist and got me interested in dentistry. I want to be an oral surgeon someday.”
What is one of your favorite things to do?
“I really like fishing, especially for stripers because they put up a fight, though I only get to fish for them when we go to Lake Quachita near Hot Springs. However, one time I caught a 10-pound drum in a creek at my Grandpa Steve’s place and that was really cool.”
What are some of your early memories?
“One time there were five of us, including my cousin Trevor. We were riding horses in the pasture to gather up the cattle to move them to a different pasture. On that day, as always, one steer didn’t want to move because he was used to eating where he was and didn’t want to miss a meal. We also have one horse named Scaredy-Cat. Once he got hit by a cow and doesn’t like it when one of them comes at him. One day was both a little funny and a little scary at the same time. My cousin Tyler was riding Scaredy-Cat. The scary part was when a cow was running really fast next to him and the funny part was seeing Scaredy-Cat spinning and trying to get away.”