Location: Beebe, Ark.

Owners: William and Cynthia Dismang (pictured)

History: Established four years ago by William and Cynthia Dismang, Bull Creek Outdoors’ roots can be traced back to William’s prefab metal and welding experience. Beginning as a prefab metal company, Bull Creek quickly expanded to other prefab products, including deer and duck blinds, and the development of the GameChanger Traps for feral hogs.

“We are really a multi-product pre-fab metal company,” explained owner William Dismang. “We manufacture commercial and mechanical water control systems and pre-fab irrigation systems. If it has to do with metal, we can make it.”

Products: Bull Creek Outdoors works closely with farmers, landowners and numerous government agencies (USDA, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, etc.) to implement affordable and streamlined systems to eradicate the destructive feral hogs.

“Hogs are the third smartest animal on the planet,” explained Dennis Bayles, Bull Creek Outdoors director of sales and operations. “They not only display a keen animal sense, but are extremely intelligent. If you shoot a few, the remaining sounder just moves on to another location and keeps reproducing, and they educate their young. So, fighting the war on hogs requires not only innovation, but education for our customers.”

Bull Creek Outdoors has established a unique partnership with private and government agencies to implement a strategic system called S.P.E.A.R. (Surveillance, Prebaiting, Eradication, Analysis, Reporting).

Bull Creek Outdoors also manufactures a full range of UTV, and truck accessories, deer blinds, duck blinds, as well as truck and UTV accessories.


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