Emily Corbin

Age: 15
Parents: Mike and Lori Corbin
Hometown: Colcord, Okla.
FFA Chapter: Watts FFA
FFA Advisor: Rick Stanislaus

What is your favorite aspect of agriculture?
“I’m really not sure because I like all of it though spending time working with animals is perhaps the best. We live in the country and used to raise cattle when I was small. However, when I got to high school ag it was a required course. I really enjoyed it and all of Mr. Stan’s hard work and encouragement so I decided to run for an FFA office, was elected reporter and plan on staying with FFA throughout high school.”

Career Development Events: “I am on the poultry judging team, and we placed second in the state this year. To help us Mr. Stan had afterschool practices on carcasses and eggs for us to evaluate to support what we learned from studying the manuals.”

What are your future plans?
“Because of my ag class and FFA, I want to get a college degree in an agricultural field. At the moment I’m leaning toward ranch management which I learned about in class and on the Internet. I really enjoyed when we had the animals when I was young and would like to spend my life in that field.”

Do you have any advice for younger students interested in ag?
“My advice is pretty simple but it’s also true. If anyone has an interest in agriculture, they need to join FFA and 4-H because they are fun and introduce you to new people and new things you might not be exposed to any other way.”


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