“Associations provide access to a host of resources and tools that are available nowhere else,” said Josh Worthington, general manager of the Missouri Angus Association. “Information is king in the beef industry and a good breed association will make readily available, through multiple outlets, information and data that can aid producers in making better and more profitable decisions for their operation.”
According to Worthington, many associations at the state and national level provide an array of activities and events; from social functions to educational seminars and tours. “Many associations also host sales for their members to participate in and activities for junior members as well.”
Monty Larman, president of the Oklahoma Gelbvieh Association said, “Joining a breed association, on a state or national level, enhances your network and allows you to connect and communicate with fellow breeders at numerous events that the associations sponsor each year. Our members share ideas, get/give advice, keep informed of new information and data, and often mentor new members to help you learn the ropes. But joining is only part of the equation, you must be an active participant in the association to see the most benefit.”
As well as the documented pedigrees, performance and genetic evaluations, various associations will support breeders with professional and knowledgeable field staff to assist in herd evaluation, promotion and advertising needs for their program.
While available resources vary among breeds; many associations have excellent websites with a tremendous amount of information available to beginning breeders as well as breeders who have been in business for years.
“I would strongly encourage breeders to spend some time searching their respective breed’s website and becoming familiar with the enormous amount of information available right at their fingertips,” Worthington said. “The Angus breed offers online registration and transfers, weekly EPD updates, online coverage of many of the industries leading conferences and seminars as well as access to the largest database in the world with sortable information to make breeding decisions.
“A breed association, whether at the state or national level is only as good as the services that it provides to its membership,” Worthington said. “The true merit of any organization is that it improves the lives and businesses of its membership by providing its members with access to tools and resources that allow them to be more successful, more efficient and ultimately more profitable. Producers should be active members in their associations and always express their beliefs and concerns through their membership vote in order to ensure that their voice is always heard at the state and national level.”
“The key to enhancing your success through membership in an association is to be an active contributor, and not a passive observer,” Larman said. “This could be through serving on committees, participating in member programs, or just attending functions and building professional connections with other like-minded breeders. It has been my experience that the Gelbvieh Associations across the nation all have one thing in common, friendly, knowledgeable and experienced people that are passionate about the Gelbvieh breed and enthusiastic about the future of the cattle industry.”


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