Teresa Peterson

Age: 18
School: Senior at Buffalo High School
FFA Chapter: Buffalo FFA
FFA Advisors: Cody Phillips and Chuck Simpson
Guardians: Rick and Pam Freeman

How did you get involved in FFA?
“I chose to take Ag second semester of my freshman year, after my family encouraged me to do so. After I got in Ag, I loved it. I got involved in every activity. I got involved in Knowledge and made it to state. Then I started realizing I wanted to be an officer… I ran for office and won parliamentarian. I made FFA my life. All I wanted to do was be at the Ag building… I wanted to succeed. I started out with four calves and I raised them and then sold them.”

Responsibilities as Vice-President:
“Me and the other two vice-presidents work on a program of activities, which consists of committee reports. We also have to work on a budget; it is a very persistent thing. We have to make a budget for every activity and then a budget for the whole year. We have to do a report for what we think might happen at the activity and then what actually happens at the activity. It’s fun, we don’t make it a chore we make it something we look forward to doing.”

You said you are learning organization and responsibility from FFA, are there other benefits?
“There is just something that everyone has always seen in me that I really didn’t see in myself until I got into FFA. There is something about the competitiveness of the contest teams and the organization of the officer team. It just brings out the leadership side of me. And I have passion for agriculture and it is just something I am in love with.”

Future Plans:
“I want to be a pharmacist. And if there is any chance of it, I have also thought of doing pharmaceuticals for animals, like veterinary medicine because I do want to keep in the agriculture field if at all possible. And of course have a farm, with cows, pigs, chickens and a Pygmy hippo. That is something I have a problem with, I want one of every animal.”


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