Oklahoma State University’s Stillwater campus is made up of over 1,400 acres of property. Touring this sprawling campus can be a daunting experience for incoming students and their families. Cue the OSU Admissions staff and tour guides.

According to Ben Hagan, assistant director of Undergraduate Admission, because of the high number of weekday tour and event guests, the office takes steps to ensure that prospective students and families receive the best experience possible while on campus.

For many high school students a campus tour is their first time visiting campus.

Hagan says that a high school senior who takes the campus tour is roughly eight times more likely to enroll than one who does not. 

“Time after time students say that OSU  ‘felt like home’ when they came on their campus tour,” said Hagan. “We always hear how friendly, welcoming and helpful we have been to guests.”

Undergraduate Admissions tour guides represent a variety of states and countries.

“We have tour guides from 10 different states and three countries. They each look forward to helping us play host to people from across the country and the world. These guides enjoy sharing their experiences and love for OSU with visitors.”

More than 3,500 visiting students have toured since August. The majority of students visit campus during the week of Spring Break. This year, more than 1,500 students visited campus in the first two weeks of March

Offices from across campus assist in the overall admissions process. Each college plays host to specific appointments with students interested in one of their programs.

Prospective students and families are encouraged to prepare before visiting campus by reviewing the admissions website (admissions.okstate.edu) to maximize their time.

Current staff and students can assist with the admission process by referring prospective students to the Undergraduate Admissions office. 

By Debra Schlegel

Read more https://news.okstate.edu/press-releases/2144-campus-tours-give-future-students-upclose-experience-


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