Name:  Emily Cowell, age 16
Family:  Joe and Kim Cowell and brother, Dustin, age 20
Town:  Deer, Ark.
School:  Deer High School

How did you get started in agriculture?
“We’ve always had a farm but I wasn’t much involved with it until two years ago when my ag teacher asked if I would like to show and I said that I always liked pigs. Showing my two hogs was really my first experience.”

What was your fair experience like?
“We got to go all the way to Little Rock, Ark., to show my pigs. Getting them ready was really stressful. Pigs don’t always do what you want, and I had to get them washed. Once I was in the ring, however, everything was fine. One of my pigs, Kate, won first in her class at the Harrison fair which made me feel it was all worth it. I also became friends with some of the people at the fairgrounds which helped me to become more out-going.”

What would suggest to improve ag education?
“I really like my teacher and everything he does. Maybe some additional hands-on experience with different kinds of animals would broaden what we learn.”

What are your future plans?
“I want to go to the University of Arkansas because a college education makes for much better job opportunities. I am not sure what I really want to major in but right now I am interested in apparel studies. I still have time to decide.”

What is the advantage of living in the country?
“It is really peaceful without all of the city noises. You also know everybody at school, not just the kids but the teachers too.”

Story and Photo By Terry Ropp


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