Every job I’ve ever had was centered in agriculture. From radio and public relations to business planning and marketing, agriculture was always in the forefront.
I’ve worked with farmers and ranchers all my life and one aspect that I can’t understand is why more farmers don’t participate in cost-share programs. I’ve asked this question numerous times to producers and some of the responses include:  “I don’t want to deal with the government; why would I want inspectors walking my farm; if I take part in a government program “they” will know everything about me; and I’ll get put on “their” list…”
This simply is not true. Let’s set things straight.
Just because your farm participates in a cost-share program doesn’t mean that the big bad wolf is going to come and haunt you in your dreams or on your farm. There are multiple programs that allow producers to make improvements on their farms through conservation stewardship.
Maybe your farm is interested in intensive grazing management? There’s a program that helps farms not only improve the vegetative cover on pastures, but even assist in constructing paddocks.
Want to enter the realm of organic agriculture production? There’s a cost-share that helps producers pay for the cost of their certification inspection.
So, let’s get out of the mindset that all government is bad and do a little research and educate yourself. Learn about cost-share and other programs that could help make your operation run more efficiently and be more competitive in today’s industry. Like it or not, it’s government money that’s available and you are already paying for it through your taxes. Why not reap the benefits?
We will be highlighting many agricultural grant, loan and cost-share programs in future Ozarks Farm & Neighbor issues and hope that our stories will benefit our local farm families across the Ozarks.
Here is to spring being right around the corner and a recipe that is sure to warm your soul this winter.



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