t feels good to have my feet back in the Ozarks and introduce myself to you – our loyal readers.
I grew up in the Ozarks in what folks call “Booger County” – don’t laugh, it’s true. For those of you scratching your heads – that’s Douglas County, around Gentryville. My folks have ranched there for more than 30 years now, running a beef cattle operation. I grew up riding horseback, showing cattle, swimming in Brush Creek and hunting with my brothers and dad. Many summers were spent on the farm preparing our cattle for fairs and shows.
But, a new path called and led me away from our beautiful Ozarks to attend college. All I knew that was pure and good laid on our family farm – now it was time for me to grow and walk along a new path that had many bumps and bruises along the way. I longed for the farm, the smell of cattle, clear creeks, mom’s cooking and the voices of my family everyday while away at college.
After 4 years of school I graduated with a degree in Agricultural Education and Communications. I remember one of my brothers asking me, “What are you going to do with a degree like that?” I smiled and said, “Simple – I’m going to tell the story of agriculture.”
For the past 6 years I’ve worked in agricultural marketing and writing while living up north, but my husband and I were ready to move back close to the farm.
A year ago, my husband and I begun a new path as we welcomed our first son, Caston Ray! We wanted our son to be close to the farm and his roots, and it didn’t take long before we knew it was time to come home to the Ozarks.
For the past year I have written for various publications and worked as a marketing consultant helping small farmers find new ways to market farm products. I feel blessed to be able to spread the positive word of agriculture and share local recipes of all flavors with you in the future.
Until next time friends…


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