How fortunate we’ve been to see the weather change from winter to spring so nicely. What a beautiful April it’s been! The grass is green, and I’ve been so happy to be out and about meeting new people and talking with new friends about their impact on agriculture. April definitely has been in like a lamb, so I guess that means we have a doozy to look forward to on the back side of this month, but on a day like today with green grass and blue skies, it seems worth it.
With the good weather comes my good mood. I’m more hopeful and more happy when the sky is blue.
I had the fortune, the happy accident, you could say, of interviewing Barry and Jeanna Merritt for this issue. Many of you might know Barry, a Lawrence County farmer who suffered a severe head injury about six years ago.
I know God puts people in our lives for a purpose, and I think He let me do the interview with the Merritts to raise my spirits, and encourage me. I know their story will encourage you, as well. You can read about Barry’s amazing recovery from a severe head injury on page 17, and I hope you will take the time to do so. The kindness and warmth of the Merritts was so endearing. Jeanna said that while a brain injury is a very personal story, she wanted to share her and Barry’s experience to offer hope to other people out there who might be dealing with a similar issue. And they send thanks to everyone who supported them through the past six years since his accident.
I know they probably say this everywhere, but I wonder, are there really any kinder, more generous, more community-minded and kind-spirited people anywhere else out there?
Here’s to a great spring, high markets, enough rain to make for a good hay and crop year.
God Bless,


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