For nearly 50 years I have nurtured two tattered and faded documents in my collection of items that might someday be worth sharing with readers.
One, tattered and torn, is entitled “Agriculture – What is Wrong and What to Do About It.” It is a speech written and delivered by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 when he addressed the Democrat National Convention in New York City.
The other is a booklet entitled “The Big Banks Plan To Control Your Money.” The author was Phoebe Courtney of The Independent American, Littleton, Colorado.
Why did I save these documents all these years?
Because from the time I was a boy and saw my family suffer greatly from “hard times” – along with all our neighbors and eventually everyone in the U.S.A., I instinctively knew money and its use and control of our lives in America.
These two documents seemed to sum up the situation better than most others – and there are many – that would threaten peace, prosperity and happiness in the United States and offer solutions.
As a boy I saw my grandfather Farmer wither and finally die because of worry about money. I saw my grandmother Alsup live blind the last few years of her life because the Willard Bank closed in the panics of 1920 and lost her savings.
My grandfather Farmer died because of the grief of losing two good farms and having to mortgage the home place, and I saw my father work two jobs for several years in order to save the home place.
The bank closings were the deliberate work of the Federal Reserve System that took control of the nation’s money when the Congress gave it power. It was, without a doubt, the greatest give away in world history. It gave absolute control of the nation’s money to a private bank. We are still servants to the Federal Reserve System to this day – and there is nothing “federal” about it, other than the name. It is a private bank, or ten branches, that control every financial aspect of the U.S. everyday.
The fed holds a heavy hand on every citizen of the nation.
Like millions of other Americans, my wife, Helen, and I farmed, milked cows and held down jobs in Springfield just to raise a family of two and try to get out of debt – which we finally accomplished at the age of 80 – probably the average for most Americans.
When Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for office in 1933, the nation was desperate for economic relief. When he was elected, he created programs that put people to work, giving them not only dignity again, but training for jobs in the future. When he initiated programs that improved our nation’s lands and waters, he set the stage for the future.
And he just barely got things rolling before Hitler, Mussolini and Japan began a three-way war that would have conquered America, had Roosevelt not got things rolling just in time.
But the enemy was also within, and monied interests showed their ugly heads and in time became so powerful they were and still are more powerful than government itself.
And the most power of all became that called the Federal Reserve. At first it seemed to make sense, to take control of the nation’s money apart from control of elected people, including the presidents and the congressional members.
But it soon became evident that control of the nation’s money in the hands of private interests was the same as selling out. Congress and the people had to walk the chalk to the tune of the Fed.
Never before has it been more obvious than at present. It’s ugly head came up for air a few weeks ago when the greatest and best financial firms of all began to crumble one after the other. Suddenly, we the people have discovered they have been cooking the books, making end runs of laws in their favor, carrying off millions of homes and peoples’ money and getting away with it.
We must search out the white collar criminals who have for so long gotten away with not millions, but billions of dollars that rightfully belong to the people.
That, alone, would be enough to pay the nation out of debt.
And then we could vote to pay as we go – and start paying our debts with our own money.
Next, we must begin to control and stop immigration. We now need quality not quantity. Limit population or sink. Get control over immigration. There is an infinite limit to how many people any nation can support and still have a decent standard of life.
It is not different from a herd of cows. Too many cows and not enough grass means disaster when drought comes.
Next, become self-sufficient in every item that we need or use. Make everything we need in the U.S.A. and what we cannot make, do without or barter for things someone else has, that needs our products.
While we get things rolling to feed and shelter all worthwhile citizens, start rounding up those so-called captains of industry and put them in the places all good traitors go.
This is not a happy time in America. We have let down our guard and let the foxes in the chicken coops, the snakes in the grass.
The traitors deserve whatever punishment is due, for they have prostituted the most wonderful, greatest nation on Earth.