Name: Brandi Cromer
Parents: Terry and Teresa Cromer
FFA Chapter: Lamar FFA, Chris Bacchus, advisor
4-H Groups: Horsing Around, Livestock 4-H and Team Leaders, with group leaders Cindy Sheely, Kathy Ahrens, Connie Toombs
How many years have you been involved in agriculture?
“Well, all my life really, I was raised on a farm; then I was in FFA and 4-H for about ten years." Brandi is currently holding two titles, Miss Arkansas Angus and Johnson County Fair Queen.
What do you enjoy the most about showing your animals?
"I enjoy meeting the people the most, then showing cattle on a national level would be next. But the best part is, some of my best friends are on the show circuit.”
Are you glad you had the opportunity to learn about farming?
“Yes!” she replied, “Farming is a door of opportunity. I have learned about responsibility, and financials, also how to manage cattle, I have my own cattle to sell, I’ve also learned about time management.”
Tell me about your show cattle.
“My brother and I started with Shorthorn cattle, then Angus, and later Simmentals. I would show anywhere from 3 to 4 head at a time. It takes about two hours to clip one out and wash and dry them, then about twenty minutes to get them ready for the ring.”
What advice would you pass on to other kids?
“I would say don’t let your parents do all the work, pick something you really like to do, then get out there and work hard, join the 4-H and the FFA, and give it all you have.”